Rights of Will and Trust Beneficiaries

Jeffrey R. Schmitt

Jeffrey R. Schmitt

After the death of a family member, people are often left wondering what interest they have in the deceased’s assets. At a time of grieving, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Lack of information or misinformation can leave potential beneficiaries in the dark as to the manner in which the deceased’s assets will be transferred.

Obtaining Wills, Trusts, and Other Documents

Fortunately in Missouri, and many other states, potential beneficiaries have rights allowing them access to information regarding the estate. In Missouri, if a will exists for a decedent, the original will must be filed with the probate court upon the death of the creator of the will. The will becomes public record at that point. If a family member believes that a will exists but has not been filed, that family member can open a probate estate with the court in order to try and require production of a will or other estate plan documents.

Similarly, trust beneficiaries often have rights to obtain copies of trust documents. Trusts do not have to be filed with the court but instead may be maintained privately by the named trustee. However, in most circumstances, trust beneficiaries are entitled to a copy of the relevant trust documents and can require production of them through a lawsuit, if necessary.

Accounting of Assets

Trustees, executors, administrators, and agents under a power of attorney all have some duty to account as to the assets and liabilities of the probate estate or trust.  After being appointed by the probate court, executors and administrators of wills have an obligation to file an inventory of assets and a corresponding obligation to advise the court concerning the liquidation or disposition of those assets.

Trustees of trusts have similar accounting requirements and are required by law to provide periodic accountings to the beneficiaries showing the assets, liabilities and expenses of a trust. If any of these fiduciaries fail in their accounting obligations, certain categories of heirs and beneficiaries have rights to compel the executor, personal representative, or trustee to prepare accountings and either file them with the court or provide the accounting to beneficiaries. Continue reading »

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